General Info:Be sure to check the helpful hints for the Do’s and Don’ts of stain removal and Six Sure Ways to Set Stains. Tools & Chemicals:Dish washing or fine fabric detergent, white terry towels, white vinegar, warm water, measuring cup, spoon, vacuum. Technique: Work on removing the stain as soon
Category: Cleaning Tips
To remove stale odors in the wash, add baking soda and hang out to dry in the sunshine.
Take a 12 oz plastic cup and pour it half full of liquid Tide then pour just about equal amount of Dreft onto that and mix it up and apply to ANY baby stain. I use a paintbrush to brush it onto my baby’s clothes. Let it dry and wash
Use a mixture of Cream of Tartar and hydrogen peroxide. By the time the paste dries, the stain should be gone.