Tip Wild

Category: Cleaning Tips

Total 36 Posts

Freezer Filing

If you are lucky enough to have a chest freezer, the best way to organize is to make one stack for each of pork, hamburger, steaks, roasts, chicken, etc. And, always keep them in the same spot. You can put frozen veggies and such in the baskets. This should save

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Junk the Clutter

Clear the clutter. Look around your house. Has the clutter–the junk–taken over? Do you waste valuable hours rearranging the clutter? Pitch it instead! Set aside an afternoon to concentrate on de-cluttering one area of the house (don’t try to do it all in a single day!) Set a timer and

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Tax Tips for 2009

The Earned Income Tax Credit is for people who work, but have lower incomes. Here are some things you may not know about the EITC. 1. A quarter of all taxpayers that qualify don’t claim the credit. The Earned Income Tax Credit is money you can use to make a difference

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Denture Tablets

For really shiny toilets, drop a couple denture tablets into your toilet and let them disolve. Give it a quick swab with the brush and then you should have the nicest, shiniest toilet in the neighborhood!