Control of fleas in pet’s bed and furniture. Cut up a new flea collar into four pieces and place under pet’s bed or under furniture cushions. This will keep the fleas away from your pet’s bed and your furniture. Replace flea collar pieces when expired. Control of fleas in house.
Category: Pets
To help stop fur-balls, occasionally add a teaspoon of liquid paraffin to their food, vary the frequency depending on whether long or short haired.
A squirt gun does work as a training device for cats but some people are leary of using it. However, a nicer and actually more effective item is the can of compressed air that you get at computer stores for cleaning the computer. You can quickly teach cats that you
To get the attention of your puppy or dog, put a few pennies in a empty soda can and shake. The noise will make him stop what he is doing. This can be a good training tool.