Tip Wild

Category: Pets

Total 20 Posts

Puppy missing its mother

A new puppy will often whine because he misses his mother. Wrap a towel around a warm hot water bottle and place it in his bed. A ticking clock or a radio playing softly will also help. Pet Store Coupons are available at CouponOwl.com

Protect your pet from sunburn

Pets can sunburn, especially short haired pets and pets with pink skin and white hair…keep them out of the sun for prolonged periods Apply sunblock to ears and nose thirty minutes before going outside in the sun.

If your pet gets overheated

If your pet gets overheated, you must lower his body temperature immediately! Get him into the shade and apply cool (not cold) water all over his body. Apply ice packs or cold towels only to head, neck, and chest. Let him drink small amounts of cool water, or lick ice

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