Tip Wild

Category: Pets

Total 20 Posts

Pet Hair

Here is a tip for cleaning pet hair off anything, in particular upholstery. It really works and you don’t have to lug out the vacuum cleaner. Just wear a damp rubber glove and swipe over the couch, pillows clothes or even arearugs. This method will remove the hair by clumping

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Cat Not Using Litter Box

If your cat is not using the litter box, and has a favorite wetting spot, spray that area lightly with cologne to discourage the cat from going there.

Cleaning Dog Ears

Technique: 1. Mix 50/50 alcohol and vinegar.2. Fill a 20 to 50 CC syringe (without the needle on it).3. Inject it into the ear – (not so fast that you would cause damage and don’t force it as to block the air that comes out and blow the dogs ear

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Dry Bath

Rub Jergons Lotion all over your dog Then wipe the dog with Paper towels Until the lotion is gone.